Chair, Modern European Studies Committee (Interdepartmental Program), Faculty of Arts
Educational partnership with the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum – coordinator
Cooperation on Witnessing Auschwitz program with the Departments of History, Political Science and Theater and Film, and the International Relations Program.
Graduating Leaders Award Committee (March 2016)

Teaching members of the Polish Students’ Society, Żak, how to make pierogies.
Service to the CENES Department
CENES Departmental Standing Committee
CENES Sessional Appointments Committee
CENES Ziegler and Invited Lectures Committee
CENES Students International Exchange Committee
CENES Promotion and Tenure Committee
Competency Exams (Polish)
Russian Minor and Russian Language Program – advisor
Organization of Guest Lectures
Organization of Prof. Ewa Thompson’s visit at UBC- Zeigler Lecture. (Rice University, USA), October, 2013.
Organization of Alicja Bialecka’s visit at UBC – including the Ziegler Lecture – (visiting educator from Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum in Poland), February-March, 2013.
Organization of Prof. Tamara Trojanowska’s visit to UBC (visiting scholar from the University of Toronto) (Ziegler Lecture), January, 2012.
Organization of Prof. Marek Zaleski’s visit to UBC – including the Ziegler Lecture – (visiting scholar from University of Warsaw and Institute of Literary Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences and Letters), September, 2011.
Organization of Prof. Joanna Nizyńska’s visit to UBC(visiting scholar from Harvard University) (Ziegler Lecture), September, 2010.
Organization of Prof. Inga Iwasiów’s visit to UBC (visiting scholar from University of Szczecin), September, 2010.
Organization of Prof. Hanna Gosk’s visit to UBC (visiting scholar from University of Warsaw, Poland), September, 2009.
Organization of Prof. Wojciech Tomasik’s visit to UBC (visiting scholar from Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland), May 2009.
Organization of Prof. Bożena Shallcross’s visit to UBC(visiting scholar from the University of Chicago) ( Ziegler Lecture), January, 2009.
Editorial Board Member
Sarmatian Review
Teksty Drugie (Texts, Second. Journal in Literary Theory, Poland)
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
Autobiografie(University of Szczecin)
Ruch Literacki
Slavica Publishers
McGill-Quinn’s University Press
Canadian Slavonic Papers
Seminar. A Journal of Germanic Studies
Ruch Literacki (Literary Movement, Poland)
Northwestern University Press
Przestrzenie Teorii (Spaces of Theory, Poland
Reviewer (national grant applications) – Narodowe Centrum Nauki (The National Science Centre, Poland)
Mosaic, An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, University of Manitoba
Miscellanea Posttotariana Wratislaviensia
Service to the Community
tenure file –external reviewer (University of Northern Carolina, USA)