Click here to purchase the book
The book is in epub and mobi formats.
The page is in Polish. To purchase:
1. Click “Do koszyka”, meaning, “add to cart” highlighted in blue.
2. A pop-up will appear. Click “Przejdź do koszyka”, meaning, “go to cart”- which is NOT highlighted.
3. Click “Dalej”, meaning “continue”
4. To buy without creating an account, click “Kup bez zakładania konta”, meaning “Purchase without creating an account” – also NOT highlighted.
5. You must accept the terms by clicking, “Zaakceptuję regularnin serwisu”, meaning “I accept the terms of service”
6. Choose form of payment, “Płatność” – “karta płatnicza” means “credit card” option
7. Fill out the form: “imię” means “first name, “nazwisko” means surname/family name
8. Click/check the first box in order to recieve the ebook immediately after payment
9. Optional: click/check the second box in order to recieve a receipt as well
10. After filling out the form, click “Kupuję i płacę”, meaning “Complete payment”