
“Kobieta historia literatura”
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“The More I know, The Less I Understand. Young Researchers Essays on Witnessing Auschwitz”
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“Geograficzne Przestrzenie Utekstowione”
(Textualizing Geographical Space)
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„Kultura chłopska w optyce prasy społeczno kulturalnej lat 1944-48. „Warszawa” i dyskusje nad modelem kultury powojennej Polski”
(“Peasants’ Culture Through the Lens of Socio-Cultural Journals 1944-1948. „Warszawa” and Discussions on the Cultural Model of Postwar Poland”)
Teksty drugie
(In Polish)
Conferences Organized
Sam początek – Lata 1944-1048 w literaturze okresu Polskiej Ludowej (The Very Beginning – The Years 1944-1948 in Literature from the Period of the Polish People’s Republic), Warsaw, UW, UBC, UBC, December 5-6, 2016. (conference co-organizer)
Witnessing Auschwitz Conference – UBC, September 2016.(conference co-organizer)
Geopoetyka and zwrot przestrzenny w literaturoznawstwie. Spatial turn – geopoetics. University of Bialystok, Bialystok. Poland 8-9 June 2016. (conference co-organizer)
Geograficzne przestrzenie utekstowione (Textualized Geographical Spaces), Białystok, UwB, UBC, UNC at Hapel Hill, June 11-12, 2015. (conference co-organizer)
(Nie)przezroczystość normalności. Obraz ładu i porządku w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku. (Non-transparency of Normality. Pictures of Order and Organization in Polish Literature of the XX and XXI cc.), University of Warsaw and UBC, Warsaw, December 2-3, 2013. (co-organizer)
The Effect of the Palimpsest University of Chicago, January 8-9, 2009. (organizing committee member)
Congress of Canadian Association of Slavists, Vancouver May 31 – June 2, 2008. (program co-chair)
Gaps, Silences, Concealments and Erasures in 20th Century Narrations University of Warsaw, University of Chicago, UBC, Warsaw, December 4-6, 2007. (co-organizer)
(presentations since 2004)

The More I Know, the Less I Understand. Best Practices in Holocaust Education. “National Policy Conference on Holocaust Education”, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, Toronto, January 27-28, 2018.
Teaching Through Research – Experience of the Authentic Place as an Educational Method. Witnessing Auschwitz Seminar and Concepts of Space in Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. “Consciousness – Responsibility-Future” International Conference, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, July 4-5, 2017.
Biedni Polacy patrzą na Getto – 20 lat później. (Poor Poles look at the Ghetto – 20 years later), “Jan Błoński Festival”, Kraków, May 25-26, 2017.
The Classic Triad and the Concept of Trauma: Victim, Perpetrator, Bystander. “Traumatic Modernities” International Conference, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, April 19-20, 2017.
Środowiska chłopskie i literature ludowa w dyskusjach o kształcie powojennej kultury (1944-48) [Peasants and Folk Literature in Discussions about Polish Post-War Culture] „Chłopskość i jej dziedzictwo w polskiej historii i kulturze”, Polish Academy of Sciences, Apr. 10-11, 2017.
Witnessing Auschwitz as a new model of teaching about the Holocaust. Talk for the Seniors’ Group in Temple Shalom Synagogue, January 2017.
Czy obserwator to też oprawca. Zagłada jako problem pamięci Polaków i Żydów, (Is the observer a perpetrator? Holocaust as a question of memory of Jews and Poles), Nowa Humanistyka. Zajmowanie Pozycji, Negocjowanie Autonomii. (New Humanities, Today and the Future), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland June 27-29, 2016.
Powroty i Przemieszczenia. Powojenne ścieżki Polaków. (Returns and Relocations. Postwar paths of Poles). The Very Beginning: The Years 1944-1948 in Literature from the Period of the Polish People’s Republic, University of Warsaw, Dec.5-6, 2016.
Reflections on “Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future. Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada”, Annual Conference – Ważne książki 2015 roku wchodzące w dialog z gorącymi tematami polskiej społeczno-politycznej współczesności (Important Books and Their Dialog with Hot Topics of Polish Contemporary Life). Unversity of Warsaw, December 9, 2015.
Wspomnienia z obozu zaglady jako tekst autobiograficzny. (Holocaust memoir as an autobiography). International conference: Autobiografie Postgraniczne.(Post-borders Autobiographies), University of Szczeciń October 2015.
Miejsce odebranej mowy. Narracyjne figury konstrukcji Auschwitz-Birkenau jako miejsca pamięci Zagłady. (Places of Muted Speech. Narrative Figures of Auschwitz-Birkenau as a Place of Memory Construction). Geograficzne przestrzenie utekstowione (Textualized Geographical Spaces), International conference in Białystok (Poland), UwB, UNC, UBC, June 11-12, 2015.
Co czyta emigrantka. (What An Emigrant Woman Reads). International conference: Czytanie. Kobieta. Biblioteka. Lektura. (Reading. Woman. Library. Reading List.) University of Szczecin, April 23-24, 2015.
Młodość – wojna – emigracja. Biograficzna opowieść rówieśniczki XX wieku (dziennik Anny Kahan)(Youth-War-Emigration. The Biographical Narration of Anna Kahan, Born 1901), International conference: “Literackie “przed” Wielką Wojną i “po” niej w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej” (Literary “Before” and “After” the Great War in Central-Eastern Europe), University of Warsaw, January 12-13, 2015.
Metamorfozy wojennej i powojennej Warszawy w prozie Poli Gojawiczyńskiej i innych pisarzy (Metamorphoses of Post-war Warsaw in Pola Gojawiczynska’s Literary Prose), International conference: “Urban Chronotope: Borderline Post-war Narratives”, University of Szczeciń, October 16-18, 2014.
How Literature Deals with the ‘Event Without a Witness’, International conference: “Jan Karski: Memory and Responsibility”, Loyola University, Chicago, September 19-21, 2014.
Opowieść o (nie)swoim życiu. Biografia emigracyjna opowiedziana po obu stronach świata. (Story of (Not) My Life. Émigré Biography Told on Both Sides of the World). International conference: “Przestrzenie geo(bio)graficzne” (Geo[biog]rafical Spaces), University of Białystok, Poland, May 22-23, 2014.
Emigrantów marzenie o normalności (The Emigrant Dream of Normality), International conference “(Nie) przezroczystość normalności. Obrazy ładu i porządku w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku. (Non)transparency of Normality. Pictures of Order and Organization in 20th and 21st c. Polish Literature ) University of Warsaw and UBC, December 2-3, 2013.
Miasto jako wrażenie wzrokowe – doświadczenia polskich imigrantów, (City – a visual experience of Polish immigrants), International conference “Przestrzen i zmysly”, (Space and Senses) University of Bialystok, Poland, 16-17 May 2013.
A Short Dictionary of Words Misunderstood. Contemporary Polish Literature Read in a Transcultural Context. International Conference “Histories, societies, spaces of dialogue. Post-dependence studies in a comparative perspective”. University of Wroclaw, Poland, 27-28 May 2013.
Finansowy status pisarek-emigrantek, (Financial Situation of Women Writers on Exile), International conference “Literatura, Pieniadze, Kobieta” (Literature, Money, Woman), University of Szczecin, 4-9 June 2013.
Uczenie literatury polskiej w przekladzie (Teaching Polish Literature in Translation), International Conference “Literatura Polska w Swiecie” (Polish Literature Abroad), University of Silesia, Poland, Cieszyn 13-15 June 2013.
„Powojenny Inny polsko-niemieckiego pogranicza oczami kobiet. Powojenne migracje opowiedziane po końcu PRL” (Post war Other of the Polish-German borderland in women’s eyes. After the war migrations narrated after the end of the Polish People’s Republic). Po zaborach, po wojnie, po PRLu. (After the partitions, after the war, after the communism), International conference in Poznan, Poland, May 2012.
„Poza wspólną historią. Współczesna literatura polska w przekladzie i jej transkulturowo-hybrydyczny odbiorca. Uwagi na marginesie emigracyjnej polonistycznej dydaktyki.” (Outside of common history. Contemporyary Polish literature in translation and its transcultural audience), Kulturowa Historia Literatury. XL Konferencja Teoretycznoliteracka, (Cultural History of Literature. XL Conference in Literary Theory), Krakow-Zakopane, September 2012.
“(Polish) Immigrants in the (Non-Polish) City: Space, Memory, Gender.” Transmission and Transgression. IV International Polish Studies Conference. University of Illinois at Chicago, October 15-18 2012.
“Women’s Luxury Items in the Nazi Death Camps”, Women and The Holocaust, Gender Center Foundation in partnership with the Gender Studies Department, Central European University, Budapest; Historical Institute, Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Institute for Literary Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; Kurt and Ursula Schubert Institute of Jewish Studies, Palacký University, Olomouc., Warsaw, Poland, 17-19 November 2011.
“Reading Milosz in Exile” Milosz: Multiple Worlds, Game of Forms, University of Toronto and Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, Toronto, 24 September 2011
“Miłosz i Milosh, Czytanie Miłosza w kontekście zainteresowań anglojęzycznej krytyki.” (Milosz and Milosh. Reading Milosz in the context of English Criticism), Miłosz and Miłosz – Z Miloszem przeciwko światu (Milosz and Milosz. With Milosz against the World), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland and Polish Book Institute, Krakow 9-14 May 2011.
„Ślady Innego (swojego i obcego) w migracyjnej opowieści kobiet” (Footprints of the Other in literary works by immigrant women), Narracje Migracyjne w Literaturze Polskiej XX i XXI wieku (Migration-Related Narrations in the Polish Literture of XX and XXIth Centuries), Centrum Dyskursow Postzaleznosciowych (Center for Postcolonial and Post-dependence Studies and the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 5-6 May 2011.
„Kult ofiary” w oczach polskich pisarek emigrantek a „kult ocaleńca” w refleksji krytycznej na temat dyskursów wyzwoleńczych, (The culture of “Victimhood” – as seen by the Polish women émigré writers, and the culture of the “Survivor” in postcolonial critical studies) “Kultura po przejsciach, osoby z przeszloscia” (Culture after difficult experiences, people with the past), Centrum Dyskursow Postzaleznosciowych (Center for Postcolonial and Post-dependence Studies and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Krakow, Poland, 27-29 May 2010.
“UBC: Polsko-Niemiecka historia wspolna w feministycznej perspektywie” (Teaching at UBC: Polish-German History through the Feminist Lens), Akademicki Kongres Feministyczny (Feminist Academic Congress), Slubice, Poland, 26-29 November 2009
„Konstruowanie kobiecego języka narracji migracyjnej w prozie polskiej po roku 1989” („Ecriture feminine and Polish prose after 1989”), Nowe Dwudziestolecie. Odkrycia i fasynacje (The New 20 Year Period,.Discoveries and Fascinations), University of Warsaw, 16-18 November 2009.
“Women’s Luxury Items in Concentration Camps”, Luxury and Gender: Cross-Disciplinary Explorations of a Strange Alliance, International Research Workshop, UBC, 16-18 October 2009.
“The Holocaust Story as a Palimpsest: The Case of ‘The Woman Passenger’,” The Effect of Palimpsest, University of Chicago, January 8-9, 2009.
„Kobiecosc w sieci (wspomnien),” (“Womanliness on the Web (in the Web of Recollections)”), Tekst w sieci, (The Text on the Web), University of Warsaw, December 2-5, 2008.
„Odkrywanie cielesności a doświadczenie wdowieństwa w międzywojennym zapisie kobiecym,” (“Discovering Corporeality and the Experience of Widowhood in Interwar Women’s Writing”), Dwudziestolecie Miedzywojenne – Fascynacje, Odkrycia, Zaprzeczenia, (The Twenty-Year Interwar Period – Fascinations, Discoveries, Denial), University of Warsaw, November 18-19, 2008.
“Polish Immigrant Women and the ‘Other’ (Generations),” Congress of Canadian Association of Slavists, Vancouver, May 31-June 2, 2008.
“Polish Immigrant Women and the “Other” (Generations),” New Directions, New Connections: Polish Studies in Cross-Disciplinary Context, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 17-20, 2008.
“The Metaphor of Dancing and the Human Body in Nazi Concentration Camps,” Body Spaces, Corporeal Topographies in Literature, Theatre, Dance and the Visual Arts, International and Interdisciplinary Workshop, UBC, Vancouver, March 14-16, 2008.
“The Effaced Meaning of Nazi Concentration Camp Prose. Seweryna Szmaglewska’s ‘Smoke over Birkenau’ Then and Now,” Gaps, Silences, Concealments and Erasures in the 20th Century Narrations, University of Warsaw, University of Chicago, UBC, Warsaw, December 4-6, 2007.
„Oswajanie samotności. Kobiecy dyskurs imigracyjny „drugiego świata” w polskiej perspektywie,” (“Becoming Familiar With Loneliness: Female Immigrant Discourse of ‘the Second World’ from a Polish Perspective”), Kobiety w dyskursie publicznym w Bulgarii i w Polsce, (Women in Public Discourses in Bulgaria and Poland), The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, together with The Polish Academy of Sciences, Sofia, October 3-7, 2007.
“German Female Characters in Polish Postwar Literature: Antagonistic (National) Identities and ‘Female’ Memories,” Polish-German (Post)Memory: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics, Indiana University and Herder Institute, Bloomington, April 19-22, 2007.
„Ciało i śmiech w Moralności Pani Dulskiej Gabrieli Zapolskiej a polskie stereotypy genderowe,” (“The Body and Laughter in Gabriela Zapolska’s The Morality of Mrs. Dulska and Polish Gender Stereotypes”), Inna Scena. Ciało, Płeć, Pożądanie: Tożsamość Seksualna i Tożsamość Płci w Polskim Dramacie i Teatrze, (The Other Scene – Body, Gender, Desire: Sexual Identity and Gender Identity in Polish Drama and Theatre), Instytut Teatralny, (The Theatre Institute), Warsaw, December 11-13, 2006.
„Współczesna kobieca e/imigracyjna opowieść – mechanizm zacierania granic między tekstem a rzeczywistoscia (na przykladzie ‘Koniecznych kłamstw’ Ewy Stachniak),” (“The Contemporary Women’s E/Immigration Story – A Mechanism for Erasing Borders Between The Text and Reality (as in ‘Necessary Lies’ by Ewa Stachniak)“), Narracje po Końcu Wielkich Narracji- Obiekty, Kolekcje – Symulakry, (Narrations After the End of the Great Narration – Objects, Collections – Simulacra), University of Warsaw, November 28-30, 2006.
„Redefiniowanie Kategorii Ciała. Doświadczenie Kobiecego Dojrzewania w Obozie Koncentracyjnym (w ‘Przejściu przez Morze Czerwone’ Zofii Romanowiczowej),” (“Redefining the Category of the Body: The Experience of Growing into Womanhood in the Concentration Camps (as in Zofia Romaniczowa’s ‘Passage by the Red Sea’)”), Literackie Reprezentacje Doświadczenia. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Teoretycznoliteracka, (Literary Representations of Experience: International Conference of Literary Theory), IBL PAN/University of Gdansk, Gdansk-Sobieszewo, September 16-22, 2006.
“The Body in the Concentration Camp: The Experience of Stanislaw Grzesiuk,” International Conference: In Search of (Creative) Diversity. New perspectives in Polish Cultural Studies Abroad, University of Toronto, Toronto, February 2-5, 2006.
“Kategoria wygnania w anglojęzycznych dyskursach krytyczno-literackich (Cz.Miłosz, J.Brodski),” (“The Category of Exile in English-Language Critical Literary Discourses (Cz.Miłosz, J.Brodski)”), Pisarz na emigracji. Mitologie – Style – Strategie Przetrwania, (International Conference: The Writer on Exile: Mythology – Style – Survival Strategy), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, November 16-18, 2004.
“Body and Laughter in Gabriela Zapolska’s ‘The Morality of Mrs. Dulska’ and Gender Stereotypes in Polish Culture, or the Dulskis’ Journey from Text to Stage and TV,” Cultural Diversity, Transnationalism and the Comic, International Workshop, UBC, August 20-24, 2004.
“Human Body in the Concentration Camps,” Janusz Korczak Association Annual Congress, Vancouver, March 2009.
Invited Presentations
(since 2006)
“Auschwitz – Space and National Memories” University of Toronto-Mississauga, January 30, 2018.
“Women in Auschwitz” Space, Memory and Narration” University of Toronto, January 29, 2018.
“Women in Concentration Camps: Memory, Trauma, Writing” University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, January 15, 2018.
“Teaching about Holocaust in multicultural setting – Canada and the USA” JHI Summer School for Teachers, Jewish Historical Institute, August 4, 2016.
“Holocaust Memoirs and Women’s Writing International School: Auschwitz (ISA), ICEAH, Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum, July 5, 2016.
:Auschwitz and its Space(s)”,Center for the Holocaust Research. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. April 12 2016.
“Outside of the Common Memory. Holocaust Education on the Shores of Pacific Ocean: Issues and Challenges”Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland. April 26 2016.
“Memory of Holocaust and its Linguistic Expressions. Poles and Germans in the North American Perspective” Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. April 27 2016.
“Holocaust Memoirs and Women’s Writing” International School: Auschwitz (ISA), ICEAH, Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum, July 5, 2016.
“Teaching about Holocaust in multicultural setting” Canada and the USA. JHI Summer School for Teachers. Jewish Historical Institute, August 4, 2016.
“Jak mówić dzisiaj o Zagładzie. Polacy i Niemcy” (How to Talk about the Holocaust Today. Poles and Germans), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, December 2015.
“Pisarka polska na emigracji – mapa wstepna” (Polish Émigré Women Writers – a Sketch of a Map), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, December 2013.
“Ile kobiety jest w kobiecie. Wprowadzenie do feminizmu” (How Much of a Woman is in a Woman. Introduction to Feminist Theories), University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland, May 2013.
„Ludzkie ciało w Auschwitz” (The Human Body in Auschwitz), Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, May 2013.
“Pisarka polska na emigracji – mapa wstepna” (Polish émigré women writers – a sketch of a map), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, December 2013.
“Ile kobiety jest w kobiecie. Wprowadzenie do feminizmu” (How much of a woman is in a woman. Introduction to feminist theories), University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland, May 2013.
„Ludzkie ciało w Auschwitz” (“The Human Body in Auschwitz”), Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, May 2013.
„Spotkanie z Innym na wygnaniu” (Meeting the Other in exile), Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, May 2012.
“Vancouver: Przestrzeń, Pamięć, Płeć” (Vancouver: Space, Memory, Gender), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, November 2011.
“Ślady Innego w opowieści pisarek-emigrantek” (Traces of „The Other” in literary works of women in exile), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Polad, November 2011.
“Amerykańska recepcja Miłosza” (American Reception of Czeslaw Milosz), Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, May 2011.
“Milosz Amerykański. Krytyka anglojęzyczna wobec dzieła noblisty” (The Americanization of Milosz. Anglo-American Criticism and works of Czeslaw Milosz), University of Szczecin, Poland, May 2011.
“Czesław Miłosz i jego twórczość w perspektywie zainteresowań krytyki angloamerykańskiej”. (Czesław Miłosz and his literary works in the context of trends in Anglo-American critical studies), University of Gdańsk, Poland, May 2011.
“Poland and the 1936 Winter Olympics.” The 2009-2010 Ziegler Visiting Speakers Series “Sport, Culture, and Body Politics”, UBC, January 2010.
“Wielokulturowe miasto. Vancouver i ścieżki jego mieszkańców” (Multicultural City. Vancouver and Its Inhabitants”), University of Szczecin, Poland, December 2009.
“Vancouver. Rozważania o wielokulturowości.” (Vancouver. Some Remarks about Multiculturalism), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, December 2009.
“Ile kobiety jest w kobiecie” (How Much of a Woman is in a Woman), Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, December 2009.
“Druga płeć na wygnaniu” (“Second Sex in Exile”), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, November 2009.
“Wielokulturowe miasto. Vancouver i ścieżki jego mieszkańców” (Multicultural City. Vancouver and Its Inhabitants”), University of Gdańsk, Poland, November 2009.
“Body and Gender in Nazi Concentration Camps: The Polish Writers’ Experience,” Harvard University, Cambridge MA, October 2009.
“The Holocaust Story as a Palimpsest,” Workshop on the Literature of the Holocaust, UBC, March 2009.
“Human Body in the Concentration Camps,” Janusz Korczak Association Annual Congress, Vancouver, March 2009.
„Z pozycji wdowy: Doświadczenie wdowieństwa w pisarstwie kobiecym,” (“From the Widow Position: The Experience of Widowhood in Women’s Writing,”) Department of Feminist Criticism, University of Poznań, December 2008.
„Druga Płeć na Wygnaniu,” (“The Second Sex on Exile”), University of Bydgoszcz, November 2008.
„Wielokulturowe miasto,” (“A Multicultural City”), University of Bydgoszcz, November 2008.
„Trzy generacje Polek na wygnaniu,” (“Three Generations of Polish Women in Exile”), University of Gdańsk, November 2008.
„Cialo w obozie zaglady,” (“The Body in Extermination Camps”), University of Szczeciń, November 2008.
„Druga płeć na wygnaniu,” (“The Second Sex on Exile,”) Department of Feminist Criticism and Department of Literary Aesthetics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, December 2007.
„Historia żon i matek – kobiety o sobie w powojennej prozie emigracyjnej,” (“The History of Wives and Mothers: Women about Themselves in Post-War Emigration Prose”), Department of Anthropological Problems in Literature, Faculty of Polish and Slavic Studies, University of Warsaw, November 2007.
“The Body in Auschwitz: The Polish Writers’ Experience,” The Center for Gender Studies and The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, February 2007.
„Redefiniowanie Kategorii Ciała w Antropologii Feministycznej. Obozy Koncentracyjne Jako Doświadczenie Cielesne,” (“Redefining the category of the Body in Feminist Anthropology: The Concentration Camps as A Bodily Experience”), Department of Anthropological Problems in Literature, Faculty of Polish and Slavic Studies, University of Warsaw, December 15, 2006.
„Ciało i Gender w Obozach Zagłady,” (“Body and Gender in the Extermination Camps”), Department of Feminist Criticism and Department of Literary Aesthetics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, November 2006.
„Ciało i Gender w Obozach Zagłady,” (“Body and Gender in the Extermination Camps”), Institute of Polish Studies, University of Gdańsk, November 2006.
„Opowiedzieć historię żon i matek – kobiety o sobie w powojennej prozie emigracyjnej,” (“Telling the Stories of Wives and Mothers: Women about themselves in Post-War Emigration Prose”), The Academic Association of Gender Studies, University of Gdańsk, November 2006.